All kinds of different factors play into a woman's overall reproductive health. Her lifestyle choices and those of her partner, her general health, and other factors often have an impact on not getting pregnant.
If a baby is the ultimate goal, fortunately high quality medical help can increase the odds for conception. Some of the more well known risks to fertility include an abnormal weight, either too heavy or underweight, unhealthy lifestyle choices, and trying to conceive at the wrong times of the month. Here are a few that may not have occurred to a woman struggling to have a baby.
Obviously a regular period is a sign of a healthy, normal ovulation cycle. If a woman's periods aren't regular, the changes of not getting pregnant are much higher. Some diseases like thyroid problems and diabetes can affect period regularity.
Another possible cause of irregular cycles is the presence of a sexually transmitted infection. In these cases the reproductive organs are damaged by the infection causing scarring. Even when treated the damage may have already occurred. A woman in this situation will find that getting pregnant is much harder.
We have already discussed that idea that an unhealthy lifestyle can result in not getting pregnant. But what if a woman doesn't smoke or drink exercises often and eats right? The problem may still be environmental factors. If a woman works around harmful chemicals on a regular basis, they could easily adversely affect her fertility. Pesticides are a huge concern in this manner as are chemical compounds. If she does become pregnant these chemicals are also linked to miscarriage.
As unfair as it seems, age may be a factor for why a woman is not getting pregnant. It is a well known fact that woman after the age of 35 have a harder time getting pregnant and is at a higher risk for having a child with a birth defect. Times don't get really difficult until after age 40. Pregnancy is still possible, but not as likely. The reason for this is that as the body ages, even at such a young age as 40, the quality and health of a woman's eggs begins to decline. This is also the reason for a higher occurrence of birth defects.
The important thing for a woman who is not getting pregnant to remember is that often times these things happen through no fault of her own.
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About the Author
Ronald Piper is the proud grandfather of five, ages five to thirty, and great-grandfather to one. While raising a large family, he also has over 30 years of experience in womens and childrens retail apparel.
Pregnancy Miracle
Chinese Medicine Researcher, Alternative Health and Nutrition Specialist, Health Consultant and Former Infertility Sufferer Teaches You How To:
Get Pregnant Quickly and Naturally Within 2 Months
Give Birth to Healthy Babies
Reverse Both Female and Male Infertility Issues
Improve the Quality of Your Life Dramatically!
Pregnancy Miracle
"A Unique 5 Step System to Beating Infertility and Getting Pregnant the Natural Way Using Holistic Medicine and Ancient Chinese Techniques"
Thursday, November 12, 2009
Wednesday, November 11, 2009
Infertility treatment
Both men and women suffer from infertility caused by various reasons. However, it’s important for both the sex to undergo treatment for this complicated issue. Various known and unknown factors cause infertility in women. These include diseases like endometriosis, diminished ovarian reserve, ovulation disorders, and low progesterone level. Low sperm count and low sperm motility, STD, injury or chronic diseases, sperm blockage and ageing are some of the reasons men for, which suffer.
Scheduled drugs and systematic treatment can cure most of the above mentioned infertility problems except ageing and chronic diseases, although these treatments are quite expensive and may have harmful side effects. Additional treatment may be required to cure the side effects. Treatments conducted through IVF or In Vitro Fertilization and ICSI or Intracytoplasmic Sperm Injection is best among the other methods of infertility treatment. In this technique, the egg cells outside the womb are fertilized by the sperm and then transferred inside. This treatment is suggested when other techniques fail to give results. This technique is a hormonally controlled ovulation progression. In this treatment involves, the ova is removed from the female’s ovaries and helps the sperm to fertilize in a fluid medium. But this is not a normal process at all and involves excavation of the eggs from the ovary, fertilizing them in an outside laboratory and putting them back in the uterus. In the normal process, the human decides to pick the healthiest sperm for reproducing the egg but in the artificial process, the embryologist takes this decision. However, when he fails to pick the healthiest sperm and egg, it may cause the ill health of the child during birth and even later in life. Some alternative techniques with a holistic approach are fast becoming popular in order to cure the problem of secondary infertility. These techniques are all the more preferred by people as these have less or no side effects at all.
The acupuncture method, for example, especially ear acupuncture or Auricular is very effective in cases where female infertility has been caused by some kind of malfunction of the ovary. The hormonal message that is transferred from brain to ovary is the most beneficial result received from this technique. In accordance to the investigative trials, those women who have received acupuncture treatment for about 30 times within a time period of 3 months have shown good results. Those female who underwent hormonal therapy along with it suffered from side effects.
In the alternative treatment techniques, diet and lifestyle changes are given a lot of importance. Regular intake of such things that contain caffeine like coffee, chocolate, cocoa, green tea (containing caffeine), black tea and colored soft drinks which has harmful effects on conception is discouraged. According to a study, one and a half cup of coffee for a woman who is trying for pregnancy is sure to delay her conception. Thus coffee is a strictly a no-no for patients suffering from infertility.
Diets that include fish contaminated with PCB or Polychlorinated Biphenyls are also believed to be a cause for substantial reduction in the ability to become pregnant. According to one study, women who had more than one meal containing fish contaminated with PCBs (procured from Lake Ontario), developed reduced fecundity within a month.
The best result for the treatment of infertility has been reported through the Chinese medicines, acupuncture and of course, the holistic approach. The holistic approach reaches to the depth of the problem and only then delivers physical, spiritual as well as emotional treatment, rather than only investigating the organs. On the other side, the conventional approach to the problem of infertility fails to successfully detect and remove the real causes and moreover, causes side effects. The holistic approach suggests a natural remedy and a way of life that can really solve the problem as soon as the real cause is determined.
This article is based on the book, "Pregnancy Miracle" by Lisa Olson. Lisa is an author, researcher, nutritionist and health consultant who dedicated her life to creating the ultimate pregnancy solution guaranteed to permanently reverse the root of infertility, help you get pregnant quickly and naturally and dramatically improve the overall quality of your life, without the use prescription medication and without any surgical procedures. Learn more by visiting her website:
Pregnancy Miracle
Sunday, November 08, 2009
How to Get Pregnant Fast
Have you ever wondered how to get pregnant? This question evokes varying responses from different people. Romance and emotion do play their part in the decision of having a baby. However, it is not uncommon to feel pained and frustrated, especially among the couples who are not able to become parents). Ideas of a kinky nature are bound to come to such couples.
Most newly wed couples take adequate protection against having a baby too quickly. However, in a matter of months, even as the duo is still getting to know each other properly, the eagerness to conceive a kid increases. This is hardly surprising, given the natural instinct of motherhood in ladies. A wife always wants to become a mother, since that gives her a sense of fulfillment. Thus, even in a fiercely competitive world, where the cost of everyday living runs into thousands, the craving for a baby remains high.
However, the females need to know how to get pregnant in a proper, healthy manner. The welfare and healthiness of both the mother and the kid, who would be seeing the light of the world soon, is of paramount importance. Hence, a careful perusal of the following discussion is necessary:
• Women should start preparing to become a mother, at least 3 to 4 months prior to the actual delivery,
• Holistic measures for the maintenance of good health conditions is necessary for both the mother and child,
• A soon-to-be-mother should completely shun smoking and drinking habits,
• It is of paramount importance that no drugs of intoxication are consumed,
• Healthy, adequate nourishment is extremely necessary for women at these times. This is because both the pre-delivery and post-delivery periods are generally rather stressful for them, and
• For maintaining the desirable health conditions, minerals, proteins (that are easy to digest) and minerals should be consumed in adequate amounts.
It is also crucial to pay heed to some other important factors. Some such factors are:
Thorough knowledge of one’s own body ? The period of ovulation in a woman is the ideal time for her to conceive a baby. Thus, she should be aware of the time of ovulation. There are, fortunately, many ways to find out what the time of ovulating would be. The ‘Post Ovulation Time’ (also termed the Luteal Phase) has to be estimated. This period, i.e., the time between ovulating and the date of commencement of the menstrual cycle, generally is fixed at 14 days in most women. The period starts after the length of the Luteal Phase, or 14 days after the occurrence of ovulation. There is an alternative way to find out the period of ovulation, which is based on the Basal Body Temperature method (i.e., the BBT technique). In this method, the temperature of the vagina is recorded by a specially-made BBT thermometer. This is done everyday in the morning. During the period of ovulation, this temperature rises significantly, and such increases can be easily tracked. For higher chances of conceiving a baby, sexual intercourse at these times is ideal.
When does sexual union helps in conception the most? ? This information is necessary, since it ensures that the sperms of the best quality enter the female body at the time of ovulation. Sperms should have quick reaction time when a woman ovulates. Hence, fresh sperm is required to be present in the body of the female immediately before ovulating. However, there may occur certain problems in the sperm of the males too. In such cases, men should not be releasing sperms, for a minimum of 3 days before the scheduled day of sexual union. These data is extremely important, in case you are wondering how to get pregnant fast.
The ideal frequency of lovemaking for higher chances of conceiving ? Among other factors, a correct estimate of the ovulation period in women and the overall physique of men determine the ideal frequency of sexual union. There is a school of thought that, sperm count goes down, with a resultant weakening of the male sperm, if intercourse is held everyday. Conversely, others tend to think that the male sperm becomes ineffective, old and stale (with much lower potency) if it remains within the testicles, due to prolonged periods of abstinence. It is generally recommended that, sexual union, during the period of female ovulation, should be held about once in every 2 days.
It is always better to provide holistic solutions to the question of how to get pregnant fast. Such an approach helps to gain an insight about the inner workings of our body, and the reasons for not conceiving earlier. It also comes up with several usable solutions to this problem, including medicines and herbs of Chinese origin as well as changes in eating habits and overall lifestyle. Suitable exercise methods and, if required, acupuncture is also recommended. Unlike the conventional methods, the holistic approach has no adverse side effects, and has a much higher chance of providing the desired results. Hence, in these cases, holistic approach works much better than conventional ways and let you get pregnant fast.
This article is based on the book, "Pregnancy Miracle" by Lisa Olson. Lisa is an author, researcher, nutritionist and health consultant who dedicated her life to creating the ultimate pregnancy solution guaranteed to permanently reverse the root of infertility, help you get pregnant quickly and naturally and dramatically improve the overall quality of your life, without the use prescription medication and without any surgical procedures. Learn more by visiting her website:
Most newly wed couples take adequate protection against having a baby too quickly. However, in a matter of months, even as the duo is still getting to know each other properly, the eagerness to conceive a kid increases. This is hardly surprising, given the natural instinct of motherhood in ladies. A wife always wants to become a mother, since that gives her a sense of fulfillment. Thus, even in a fiercely competitive world, where the cost of everyday living runs into thousands, the craving for a baby remains high.
However, the females need to know how to get pregnant in a proper, healthy manner. The welfare and healthiness of both the mother and the kid, who would be seeing the light of the world soon, is of paramount importance. Hence, a careful perusal of the following discussion is necessary:
• Women should start preparing to become a mother, at least 3 to 4 months prior to the actual delivery,
• Holistic measures for the maintenance of good health conditions is necessary for both the mother and child,
• A soon-to-be-mother should completely shun smoking and drinking habits,
• It is of paramount importance that no drugs of intoxication are consumed,
• Healthy, adequate nourishment is extremely necessary for women at these times. This is because both the pre-delivery and post-delivery periods are generally rather stressful for them, and
• For maintaining the desirable health conditions, minerals, proteins (that are easy to digest) and minerals should be consumed in adequate amounts.
It is also crucial to pay heed to some other important factors. Some such factors are:
Thorough knowledge of one’s own body ? The period of ovulation in a woman is the ideal time for her to conceive a baby. Thus, she should be aware of the time of ovulation. There are, fortunately, many ways to find out what the time of ovulating would be. The ‘Post Ovulation Time’ (also termed the Luteal Phase) has to be estimated. This period, i.e., the time between ovulating and the date of commencement of the menstrual cycle, generally is fixed at 14 days in most women. The period starts after the length of the Luteal Phase, or 14 days after the occurrence of ovulation. There is an alternative way to find out the period of ovulation, which is based on the Basal Body Temperature method (i.e., the BBT technique). In this method, the temperature of the vagina is recorded by a specially-made BBT thermometer. This is done everyday in the morning. During the period of ovulation, this temperature rises significantly, and such increases can be easily tracked. For higher chances of conceiving a baby, sexual intercourse at these times is ideal.
When does sexual union helps in conception the most? ? This information is necessary, since it ensures that the sperms of the best quality enter the female body at the time of ovulation. Sperms should have quick reaction time when a woman ovulates. Hence, fresh sperm is required to be present in the body of the female immediately before ovulating. However, there may occur certain problems in the sperm of the males too. In such cases, men should not be releasing sperms, for a minimum of 3 days before the scheduled day of sexual union. These data is extremely important, in case you are wondering how to get pregnant fast.
The ideal frequency of lovemaking for higher chances of conceiving ? Among other factors, a correct estimate of the ovulation period in women and the overall physique of men determine the ideal frequency of sexual union. There is a school of thought that, sperm count goes down, with a resultant weakening of the male sperm, if intercourse is held everyday. Conversely, others tend to think that the male sperm becomes ineffective, old and stale (with much lower potency) if it remains within the testicles, due to prolonged periods of abstinence. It is generally recommended that, sexual union, during the period of female ovulation, should be held about once in every 2 days.
It is always better to provide holistic solutions to the question of how to get pregnant fast. Such an approach helps to gain an insight about the inner workings of our body, and the reasons for not conceiving earlier. It also comes up with several usable solutions to this problem, including medicines and herbs of Chinese origin as well as changes in eating habits and overall lifestyle. Suitable exercise methods and, if required, acupuncture is also recommended. Unlike the conventional methods, the holistic approach has no adverse side effects, and has a much higher chance of providing the desired results. Hence, in these cases, holistic approach works much better than conventional ways and let you get pregnant fast.
This article is based on the book, "Pregnancy Miracle" by Lisa Olson. Lisa is an author, researcher, nutritionist and health consultant who dedicated her life to creating the ultimate pregnancy solution guaranteed to permanently reverse the root of infertility, help you get pregnant quickly and naturally and dramatically improve the overall quality of your life, without the use prescription medication and without any surgical procedures. Learn more by visiting her website:
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